Friday, October 9, 2009

ALWAYS make sure you carry a bucket...

No pictures yet. Sorry. Camera hasn't been received by the store yet (site-to-store deal) so poor Colin has more days that will never be captured for the poor guy. He's been very fussy so not sure that I really would want to capture these past few days. He caught the cold that has had to cycle through all of us. Poor thing.

So yesterday I went and met Rick for lunch. We haven't been able to do much this week with everyone sick so I just had to get out of the house and go somewhere. Titus just HAD to wear Rick's UPS logo t-shirt and Karys was in her Hello Kitty rain boots so you can imagine what looks I got. lol I went to Target first (Titus in the cart, Karys walking beside the cart and Colin in the Snugli) and going to a store really isn't that bad with three kids. Yes, it is a pain. Yes, I don't really look forward to it. Yes, I prefer to go with no kids. But I always survive outtings. :) We met Rick at Honeybaked Ham Co. for lunch. Never eaten lunch there before so I wanted to try it. It was pretty good. But the true highlight of the day (or month really) was when the kids got to go in "the brown truck". Oh man you would think this was the ice cream truck with the way they react. Rick and I sit there all bored, but the kids sure do have fun. I was sure to whisper in Colin's ear, "bet you can't wait to love the brown truck, too, huh?"

Anyways, I was on my way home and Titus was all fidgety and fussing in the back. I thought he was hot so I flipped on the A.C. Still crying. Then I thought it was that t-shirt he just *had* to wear. I told him we were almost home (we were 4 minutes away). Well, then he starts.....throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up. I then start gagging. And gagging. And gagging. I could NOT believe how much throw up came out of him. It seriously was like the exorcist movie. Karys is trying to keep it together and not freak out. I get home (all the while plugging my nose) and gather up some courage to get him out. He didn't want to get out, because he didn't want his own throw up touching him. Yeah, well tough luck kid. There was no way not to have it go everywhere in the car so whatever. I left a pile of nasty clothes in the garage for Rick. I hosed of the carseat and wiped up what I could out of the car before deciding that I had just had enough of dealing with that and that my other half could do the rest. I am NOT cut out to deal with throw up. Poop, okay. Throw up. NO. Fortunately, it was just a one-time thing. Something he ate I guess. Think I'll ever go back to Honeybaked Ham again? NOPE!

I finally got Colin's blood test results back yesterday afternoon. He's slightly anemic, but fine besides that. He's just small, but he's really not small. His length is in the 75% so he's long. His weight is just in the 15% and his head is in the 25%. I should be happy that he's "small", because the baby just has to be held ALL OF THE TIME. I don't mind though since he'll want anything but to be held before too long.

Pictures hopefully coming soon!

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