Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wow! How in the world did three weeks go by since my last entry?

Halloween has come and gone. We had a great time at a friend's house (thanks C for your hospitality!) and had a wonderful time trick-or-treating around her neighborhood. Karys went as Snow White, Titus was a UPS man and Colin was a monkey. If Rick would ever get around to helping me figure out how to put pictures on the computer then I would post some!

Colin still hasn't gained much weight (only 4oz in the past month) and my pediatrician already drew blood and tested it for everything under the sun so she is referring us to a pediatric specialist. I don't have the specifics on it just yet. He's doing great besides his lack of growth. He crawls everwhere. Pulls up to stand which I don't think my other kids were doing this early. So, he's a VERY active 7 month old.

I'm trying to figure out when I want to start pottytraining Titus again. Hmmm...how about never? I can't believe he'll be 3 next month. Too bad everyone thinks he's already 4. Well, that is the size of his clothes. :)

Karys is loving school which makes me happy. I got a call a few weeks back from the school saying that I was late on paying them $11.35 for lunches. Karys brings her lunch every day so I was sure that they just had the wrong kid. Um...no, they didn't. Karys wasn't eating lunch. She was eating breakfast at school! That girl eats 2, sometimes 3, bowls of cereal and hot chocolate in the mornings and then she gets to school 2 hours later and was eating breakfast there and then her lunch is at 10:35am. I was always wondering why she wasn't eating her lunch sometimes. Well, now I know!

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