Thursday, December 3, 2009

Three Weeks Until Christmas? How can this be?

Okay, so apparently I'm not so good at staying current with my entries. A little weird since I'm on the computer every single day. Guess life isn't *that* exciting around here.

Colin is now 8 months old and pulling up onto everything. Even my stairs. Not good. Must. Get. Babygate. He is now up to 17lbs.2oz. which is wonderful and his second time to gain weight in a month. The Endocrinologist may not be needed! He is still happy all of the time and everyone asks if he's always that smiley. Yes. Yes, he is. I definitely don't mind. :)

Titus is almost 3 years old. I can't believe it and in some ways I can. It's hard to think back and remember when he was a baby. Oh yeah, he never really was! Or when he was, it only lasted 2 seconds. He gave himself a blackeye about 30 minutes ago. He was running around with Karys and he fell and ran right into the corner of the window mantle. Ouch. I watched how fast that bump on the corner of his eye grew.

Karys is still loving school. So much so that she can't wait to get out the door and has her shoes on when there's still 20 minutes before we have to leave. She still loves to dress up and loves it even more when one of her friends wants to dress up, too! She's not going to have much longer before Titus passes her in height. There's about 3 inches before they are even. That's a little weird to me.

Peak season has officially begun at UPS. Exciting as far as the paychecks (overtime), but yucky as far as Rick being gone. Oh well. It's just one month that I have to get through. I'm looking forward to having family come into town in a few weeks. So incredibily weird to realize that it's December already. I just don't know how this year is almost over. I mean, where have I been these past oh, 9 months???

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